Finally, You're Here!
Hey! My name is Michael Nhin. I’m a 23 year old college dropout (The name gifted to me by my friends and family). I'm a college dropout because the idea of spending four years and large sum of money to commit to a single career was terrifying. I didn't have much experience with everything the world had to offer, so how was I suppose to decide what my life was going to revolve around? I followed everyone else into college because that's what society told me to do. It was strange to me that everyone around me knew exactly what they wanted to do for the rest of their lives. I just never knew what I wanted for myself and I didn't want everyone else to decide for me, so I left. What I do know is that I love helping others. So, I made this website to reach out to anyone and everyone who could use an extra push. Have you ever felt like your world was crashing down and there was nothing you could do? Of course you have and so has everyone else at some point in their life. There is something you can do about it though. So, stick around because I've got the answers to some of your biggest questions and concerns.
Click here to see my book! Small Decisions Big Impact